Essential Oil Products

Joint Ease Massage Oil

This calming, Joint Ease Massage Oil will help soothe aching muscles as well as promote sleep. So if the aches and pains prevent you from sleeping... we believe this blend of oils will help.

This massage oil can be used for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, neck pain and general aches and pains. Apply every evening gently over the affected area. If the pain is very bad apply again in the morning and top up during the day if needed.

This blend will leave the skin nourished, silky and perfectly soft. 

Joint Ease Massage Oil is made with quality Rosemary, Ginger and Geranium Essential Oils and Pure Grapeseed Oil.

Ginger Oil – this oil has a warm, spicey scent which is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may make it an effective painkiller and help to relieve inflammatory conditions like arthritis. It also has theability to help calm and relax you. As a result, it is very effective at reducing stress and anxious feelings. It also has stimulating properties that can help with sadness, anger, and restlessness. Ginger is also know to help alleviate nausea and digestive distress and tension.

Rosemary Oil - This oil is helpful to treat wounds, burns, colds, flu, fatigue, digestive trouble, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, liver and gall bladder problems, water retention and poor circulation. For a massage, rosemary oil is often mixed with a base oil or two like almond, apricot kernel or hazelnut oil. It is good for the hair as it is said to increase circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth. Never use this oil internally, and avoid it if you're pregnant or suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy.

Geranium Oil - Research has shown it to have a positive effect on eczema, neuralgia, burns, ulcers, tonsillitis, and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Furthermore, it has powerful effects on uplifting spirits and mental functioning, which makes it useful in the treatment of depression, chronic anxiety and anger issues. 

This Massage Oil is blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can therefore use it topically, massaged into areas needing attention and you can even add a few drops to the bath.

This blend is also available in a handy 10ml roller ball version which you can carry with you for on the go assistance.

If you are pregnant, breast feeding, suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy please consult your Doctor before use


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